The Entertainment Papers

I think that's what they're called. Without much leisure time to read papers I typically don't read the entertainment papers and free newspapers that much. It is typically a place where I look to find out about concerts, shows, and sometimes the person featured on the cover. I was actually surprised to see, at some point, that Janet Jackson was performing in Sacramento. Not sure why this seemed odd, but probably because she was the only major act that I heard of performing here recently. But Golden 1 Center is pretty major, and I'm still getting familiar with the culture here. But...on a more recent occasion I found myself taking advantage of the entertainment papers and I actually found some new artists that were mentioned in the articles in conjunction with music festivals and such. As I read about jazz/soul artists like Mino Yancy I later searched the web to find out more about these featured artists, and to see what they sound like. I'm glad to say I was not disappointed in their sound. Through such artists I also found others like Bap Notes, Garret Perkins, and Sol Development. I'm so glad that I did, as these artists are the embodiment of a younger generation of jazz and soul music. Particularly these artists represent the Bay Area and Northern California and share a common thread in terms of style elements. I think they even collaborate. And they are providing a flavorful soundtrack for my NorCal experience. I only wonder if a group like Sol Development will be appreciated in their complexity. Their album cover alone is an amalgam of Aretha Franklin, Kendrick Lamar, and Arrested Development, but their sound is like new and classic(al). It's like the weirdest thing, these papers -- not overly political, but kaleidoscopic with information.


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