Frida Kahlo Class Project Collabortion

I came across this photo I took during an earlier art class and began to think back to those days. This is one of the few photos from then, when I knew that I wanted to study some college-level art classes. I actually contributed to this group collage when we were working in chalk pastels. You can see the variation in each artist's palette. Frida Kahlo is a popular subject with a number of art students, so I find myself in this crisscross of photos and other people's art projects. They remind me of the photos and the photos remind me of them and their chosen subjects. Looking at the random tiles seems abstract until they are all assembled together. Those were some strange and interesting times, during the Barack Obama era, things that I needed, and other incidental things. And lately I'm listening to Jamila Woods' new record Legacy! Legacy! and the lyrics from "Frida" is replaying in my mind.


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